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Apostle Lewis' Testimony

Apostle Lewis and Mrs Ernaastine Nkongho of of Christ Reconciliation Ministries, church in Fort McMurray, Alberta
Apostle Lewis and Mrs Ernaastine Nkongho of of Christ Reconciliation Ministries, church in Fort McMurray, Alberta
Apostle Lewis and Mrs Ernaastine Nkongho of of Christ Reconciliation Ministries, church in Fort McMurray, Alberta
Apostle Lewis and Mrs Ernaastine Nkongho of of Christ Reconciliation Ministries, church in Fort McMurray, Alberta

This is the testimony of Lewis Nkongho, of how he was called to serve.

One faithful day …I asked God to fill me with the Holy Spirit. That same day at about evening hours I set up to pray and worship the Lord. During worship, there came from heaven a tongue of fire passing through the glass window that I was standing by, and landed on my head instantly. I felt a cold glow go through my body from my head to my feet, and I began to speak a strange language. I had no clue what I was saying. I spoke in tongues for a few hours and could not stop, so I spoke all night long.

A few weeks later, I search for a Pentecostal church, and I found Christ Embassy. I served in the choir, and about three months later I was asked by the pastor to start leading ministerial prayers. During this time I was just enjoying the new gift from God and I exercised greatly to improve my tongue gift. I still did not have any encounter with Jesus, but I was so excited to let my friends know that I could speak a heavenly language. I engaged in evangelism, and bought the rhapsody daily devotional that I began to distribute at bus and metro parks. I also distributed the devotional to my friends, and I would go to the hospitals in Belgium distributing the devotional and prayed for the sick.

In 2009

In the year 2009 I had filed to become a permanent skilled worker immigrant to Canada, and I was successful in the process. In the month of January 2010 I moved to Canada. While in Canada I lived in Montreal, and so I joined Christ Embassy Montreal. In a few months I was made a leader and at the end of 2010 the Pastor selected a few brethren to start a new branch in Lasalle, a municipality in Montreal. Pastor Peter was our appointed as a shepherd over us. While at Lasalle, I coordinated the choir and I assisted the pastor whenever he was not available.

In 2012

In 2012 while I was at work God spoke to me to leave Lasalle, Montreal and go to a desolate place and God will make it a place of habitation for me. In February 2012 I left Montreal and I took a flight to Fort McMurray. I arrived in Fort McMurray on the 25th and I quickly looked for a shelter and I found the Salvation Army.

After a few days at Salvation Army shelter I met Ron Hick who is gone to be with the Lord, and he perceived that I had Christ in me, and so he invited me to Glory Tabernacle Church. This Church was a family church, and after a few months of fellowship, the Pastor Dr. Joshua asked me if I could assist in making announcements. I did not accept the pastor's proposal, but in 2013 I started the Glory Tabernacle Choir.

In 2014

In 2014, I had a burning desire to do great things for the Lord. So like Jabez, I asked the Lord to reveal Himself to me, and that I was ready for the Lord to use me for His glory in healing and deliverance. Then I also wanted to be a financier of struggling ministries to boost in soul winning. So I started the God's Project in Glory Tabernacle. This program was not very successful, but the Lord told me to keep on with the project.

In March 2014, the Lord Jesus appeared to me in an open vision at about 7:10am on a Sunday morning. In the vision, the Lord rebuked me for loving the world and fornicating, then He translated me to the third heaven. He told me to repent and fast for seven days. Then the lord said he will appear to me seven more times. The details of this encounter will make known through another write out.

Between March 14th and July 18th of 2014, the Lord appeared to me 8 times and gave me specific instruction on how to go about the ministry I will be serving in. As I mentioned earlier, the details of this encounter with the Lord will be made known in a separate write-up.

The Lord gave me the vision and mission of our ministry, and He let me know that He will be the head of the ministry. The Lord lavished me with an extraordinary unction, not because I am special, but because I demanded and desired to do extravagant things for Him.

Within this period, the Lord has demonstrated His power through me with an extraordinary unction. I had been ministering in Glory Tabernacle Church, and was blessed with an opportunity to teach the word of God. I prayed for a few sick folks, and they were healed by the power of God.

In 2016

In May 2016, the Lord revealed to me that there was going to be a clean-up and revival in Fort McMurray for the Lord. The Lord sent His Servant Rev Pastor John Huizing, who I met in Edmonton for the first time in God's Embassy church which I was visiting. He perceived the hand of God upon me after he prayed with me. God wants to accomplish so much through me. He bought me some Christian literature and sowed a seed in my life.

Since June 2016 the Lord has shown so much mercy on us, and healed and delivered all the folks that I prayed for. Glory to God forever more. Alleluia!

In 2017

Pastor Lewis was ordained Minister and Apostle of God on June 26. At the same time, Christ Reconciliation Ministries was incorporated. 

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